In 2020, the Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation (MLTPA) convened and facilitated federal, state, and regional participants as an advisory committee which met over several months to produce "CALREC Vision: Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Outdoor Recreation in California,” a white paper which is available for download.
The CALREC Vision White Paper inspired the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force to task MLTPA with the convening and facilitation of a Key Working Group to produce and deliver Key Actions 3.13 and 3.14 from California’s Wildfire & Forest Resilience Action Plan, which includes a Joint Strategy for Sustainable Outdoor Recreation & Wildfire Resilience.
The CALREC Vision project is working to highlight the essential, multi-benefit role that outdoor recreation plays in California. MLTPA initiated and sponsors CALREC Vision.

“The case for statewide cross-jurisdictional collaboration is clear. Catastrophic wildfires and other consequences of climate change have demonstrated the necessity for coordination among agencies, local governments, and organizations that collectively face destructive impacts to communities, forests, and recreation resources. Greater demand for equitable access to outdoor recreation for all Californians has highlighted systemic Institutional and cultural barriers that have excluded underserved communities from the outdoors.”
- CALREC Vision White Paper 2020


• AB 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan (Air Resources Board)
• Access for All Initiative (California Natural Resources Agency)
• California 2030: Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan (Air Resources Board)
• Cutting Green Tape Initiative (California Natural Resources Agency)
• Health in All Policies (Strategic Growth Council)
• Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (Governor's Office of Planning and Research)
• Local Government General Plan Guidance (Governor's Office of Planning and Research)
CALREC Vision endeavors to create functional alignments between policy goals of the State of California and Sustainable Recreation.

CALREC Vision Advisory Committee Participants 2020
Angela Avery, Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Jim Bacon, USDA Forest Service
Stacy Corless, Mono County Board of Supervisors
Staci Heaton, Rural County Representatives of California
Bob Kingman, Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Shelly Lynch, Bureau of Land Management
Devin Middlebrook, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Matthew Millspaugh, California Department of Parks & Recreation
Ray Murray, National Park Service
Dan Smith, Visit California
Egon Terplan, California Strategic Growth Council
Kevin Wright, California Landscape Stewardship Network

THE CALREC VISION (excerpt)...
“The California dream is a reality because millions continue to be inspired by the unique natural landscapes that define the state. But of California’s 100 million acres and the 47 million available for recreation, only 2 million are managed by state agencies, the balance being managed by the federal government."
”Now is the time to direct stewardship-focused collaboration across all agencies of government to create functional alignments and establish truly sustainable outdoor recreation for all Californians.”
- CALREC Vision White Paper 2020